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Monetization - FeedBlitzIn one step you can easily insert ads into your automated RSS mailings, earning income from every open. By enabling ads, you’ll be guided to choose the number of ads to appear in your mailings, select the categories for
Easy Subscriber Management for Email Marketing - FeedBlitzSubscriber management allows you to manage subscriber lists of any size on FeedBlitz. Real-time data and analystics on every subscriber with no extra fuss.
Better Newsletters for Better Email Marketing - FeedBlitzWith FeedBlitz, newsletter creation is a snap. Create unique, branded email marketing to deliver your message and reflect your personality to your clients.
Political IP Targeting Services - Online CandidateReach voters digitally through physical addresses. IP targeting advertising enhances political campaign branding, improves mailings, and Election Day turnout.
Tagging and Segmentation for Better Subscriber Management - FeedBlitzSending general emails to your list is a great start. Sending targeted, personalized emails to specific subscribers on your list is the next step.
Custom Address Stamps: Create a Personalized Address StampLooking to add a personal touch to your cards letters? Look no further than custom address stamps! Learn how to create and what are its creative uses now
Econo EnvelopeEnvelope Printing Online Years ago, business envelopes were hands addressed using pen along with ink, but in modern times it really is more efficient to have envelopes imprinted. Although you can buy a seal of approval t
All the Email Marketing Products You Need in One Place - FeedBlitzYou create the content. We deliver it to the world. FeedBlitz offers you the email marketing products you need to get your word out and grow.
PrintersGrowing a business is about building and maintaining connections with a consistent brand message. FP's printing systems will help you accomplish these goals by providing high speed, exceptional quality monochrome and fou
Deliverability Management - FeedBlitzFlashy features and capabilities are exciting when choosing an email service provider (ESP). Fancy features don’t matter if your emails never reach your subscriber.
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